Welcome to 31 days of Android.  Inspired by Jeff Blankenburg’s 31 Days Series , this series of tutorials will take readers through the basics of getting up and running with Android development and will end with a few more advanced concepts to really lite up your apps.

As I add entries, I’ll add them to a list here.  Stay tuned for Android goodness!

Day 1 - Getting Set Up for Development
Day 2 - Creating Android Virtual Devices (AVDs)
Day 3 - A Java Refresher
Day 4 - Our First Android App
Day 5 - Adding Multiple Activies and Using Intents
Day 6 - Options Menus and Base Activities
Day 7 - Sharing Data Between Activities
Day 8 - The Android Project Structure
Day 9 - Debugging your Applications
Day 10 - The Back Button
Day 11 - Device Orientation
Day 12 - The Linear Layout
Day 13 - The Relative Layout
Day 14 - The Table Layout and Frame Layout
Day 15 - Toasts
Day 16 - Notifications
Day 17 - Animating between Activities
Day 18 - The WebView
Day 19 - ScrollViews
Day 20 - ListViews
Day 21 - The Activity Lifecycle
Day 22 - Shared Preferences
Day 23 - Writing and Reading Files
Day 24 - Using SQLite Databases
Day 25 - Content Providers
Day 26 - Intents
Day 27 - Intents Part 2
Day 28 - Intents Part 3: Service Intents
Day 29 - Using the Camera
Day 30 - Advertisements
Day 31 - Putting your Apps in the Marketplace

Chris Risner



That's very good to hear.  Please let me know if you have any other feedback or thoughts on improvements.

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